
Over the years, Mickey Vetere had been considered a pioneer and innovator in the recycling industry. He was one of a small handful of visionaries who looked at the auto recycling industry and thought that it could be better than it was; not just for his own business, but for every facility that wanted to progress and provide superior service for their customers. Mickey, along with like-minded individuals within the industry, helped to found the Canadian Auto Recyclers Association (CAR). This organization served as a predecessor to other associations, such as Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association (OARA). Among many firsts, Mickey ran Canada’s first recyclers’ trade show at the Bristol Place Hotel in Toronto with Roger Dupuy, as well as introducing the Hot Line and the Roadrunner Transport System.

In 2013, Mickey passed away leaving the family business to his son Dominic. Mickey leaves behind not only an unmatched professional legacy, but many memories and stories of his heart of gold that will be carried on for decades to come. If you have a particular memory of Mickey that stands out, we’d love for you to tell us about it!